Liebster (The THIRD!)

Hey all!
So, somehow I was nominated for another Liebster award! Honestly, every time someone nominates me for something I sit here going “No way. They must have made a mistake!” Thank you, Kati from Magic Spark Crafts I am honestly so honored.

You know, I’m going to do what I did last time and be a bad blogger and just say that there are many awesome blogs I follow and you should check them out on the sidebar. Only because I never know who to nominate.. mainly because, how do you just pick one?

Onto the questions!

1.If you were given one day that would be perfect, no matter what, (i.e. a jellyfish doesn’t sting you at the beach, you run into Robert Downy Jr.) what would that day consist of?
Hmm. I honestly never really thought about it before. Usually my perfect days are days when I can chill at home and watch some tv and crochet in quiet with a cat snuggling up next to me. Or they are the days when I go out with a friend and we catch a movie and walk around and chat. I like the stress free moments when I feel like I can be myself and actually relax instead of what I feel around people generally. It’s hard to explain, but I like the moments when I can be goofy and a child and an adult all at the same time with people who I love and care about. Most people I say something a little silly or strange and they just give me a look like “aren’t you supposed to be an adult now?” But yeah, I guess that’s about what I love and those are the perfect moments.

2. What is your favorite animal, and if able provide 3 reasons why?
Oh man. I definitely do not have 3 reasons why I love the things I do. But a single favorite animal? Hmm. See, I pretty much love all animals. I’d say my favorite is the owl though.. or maybe the fox.. or no, no, the turtle! no, wait. back to the owl… Honestly, I don’t really know. But those three are probably it. Don’t get me wrong, I still love cats and dogs and everything, but if I see a fox or a turtle or an owl, I will just stand there and stare at them for the longest time.

3. What is a book you recommend to anyone to read?
Anyoooooooneeeee? Hmm. Well, for YA books, I always recommend Howl’s Moving Castle by Diana Wynne Jones. Or A Wrinkle in Time by Madeleine L’Engle. For a little older fare, I recommend Moon Called by Patricia Briggs, or Svaha by Charles de Lint. I mean, I could recommend books all day. Most of what I read is fantasy, so usually my tastes don’t line up with most people’s. But yeah, probably any of those or a mixture of those. Or maybe a book by those authors but not those specific books. I can recommend a lot of books. lol.

4. Would you rather spend 1 week chatting through IM, text, or any chat based program with your biggest Hollywood (movies, television, or musician) crush knowing their contact information will be removed at the end of that week unless they decided to continue the conversation OR meet that crush for 24 straight hours?
Um. Uuuuuuuuuummmmmmmmmm… I’d think that I’d honestly be more comfortable talking with them through IM.. not so much phone texts as that requires me to be attentive to my phone.. See, I’m the type of person that tends to ignore it if I’m doing stuff or I’m not in the mood to fiddle with my phone. I kind of hate texting on phones because 90% of the time I get really irritating typos and its harder for me to erase on a phone than it is for me to hit backspace on a keyboard. Um. But that’s not the question, is it? Back to the original question: I’d probably be more comfortable through IM just becauuuuuuuse I’m relatively shy and socially awkward in person. Oh, if I could carry on a conversation in real life that’d be finnnnne, but usually I just start to get really self conscious and then I just flail about and make an idiot of myself. Granted, I meet new people all the time and I’m perfectly fine with them, but it’s different when it’s someone I admire. Through text, even though I still might be making an idiot of myself, its less about seeing the person’s reactions so I don’t REALIZE they think that of me. 😛 Or well, I kinda do, but I figure everyone thinks I’m a silly person and I just play that up even more.

5. You have been given the opportunity to receive 1 wish as you wish it to be (not as it can be misconstrued) by a genie. What wish would you wish for (not including more wishes or physical immortality.)
Hmm. I’m not really sure. Heck, I can’t even pick out where to go to eat when people ask me… Picking out a wish is like a million times tougher than that! 😛 Right now: I want to be done with my tests and have them all passed and have a job and be settled instead of in the state of flux I’m in. Generally, I just want myself and the people I care about to be happy.. Like, not that creepy state, the “omg we’re so happy and everything is peeeeeeeeeeeeerfeeeeect” happy that people portray, but the genuine contentedness in life that doesn’t need to scream it from the rafters. I’d also wish for people to be more tolerant of each other. Oh, it’s all good and grand to wish for world peace, but as long as people aren’t tolerant, there’s really no way to get there. To me, a forced peace is just a way to cage the wild animal. You know they are ready to burst out of the cage the moment it first senses it can. Though… if the time comes, I have no idea if I’d be that selfless.

Well, thank you all for following my little piece of the internet over here.

Liebster award! (The second)

Thanks Rachel! her blog is From Bad to Worsted You should all go check it out!

So, this is actually the second time I received this award. I feel so honored! The community here is beautiful and wonderful. I know the rules say to nominate blogs, buuuut, I’d say just check out all the awesome blogs I am following.
Points to sidebar The list is down there. You should really go check some of them out.

So onto my answers!
1. Why did you start blogging?
I started blogging forever ago. At first, I had a livejournal to talk to friends. To share stories and stuff with people I knew. After a while, all my high school friends (who were the reason I started a livejournal account to begin with) had moved on, or they weren’t really friends anymore as we had grown apart. And I looked at all the old posts and just couldn’t stand some of the things I had talked about. They were personal, they were whiney. They were high school stuff. Some of it was writing as well. I did remember posting my status on getting into dental school there. Maybe. Or Maybe I dreamed it.
I guess I started this blog years (probably more than 10 by now) after I opened that livejournal and probably about 5 years or so after I stopped posting there. Why’d I stop posting there? Because livejournal felt like a journal. It felt private. It didn’t feel like what I wanted my life to be anymore. Also, I had started crocheting and I was getting really into it. I saw all these beautiful wonderful blogs on creatures and I thought it was a great idea to share my projects. I loved how uplifting they all were. That was the basis of my idea here. I wanted a space where I could post my projects, or patterns, where it would document them and then I could look back and be like “Wow. I did a lot! I progressed a lot!” Especially as I was giving away projects and gifts to people. I wanted something positive.

2. What did you want to be when you grew up?
Um. When I was little? Maybe a rocket scientist. I loved space. MAN SPACE! Actually I still love space. And would still love to be a rocket scientist. Or like an astronomer, but I’m terrible with figuring out which constellation was which. Maybe a vet. From senior year of high school on though, I decided I was going to be a dentist. Why? Cause I love helping people and medicine felt really heartwrenching to me at times. Dentistry seemed like it was interesting. I shadowed and did some workshops in undergrad, and I liked the crafty nature of it as well. (Dentistry is an art and a science cause you need the teeth to look like teeth!) Oh, and at one time I thought of being a poet or an author, but then I realized how shy I am and to publish something would mean that people would have to READ it.

3. If you could have any one superpower, what would it be?
Hmm. Maybe to stop/rewind time. I feel like everytime I answer this question, I think of something else that would be cool. But honestly, I think any super power would be fairly awesome!

4. What’s your favorite ice cream flavor?
Oh! This is hard. I love vanilla actually, or butterscotch, or hazelnut. or strawberry. Actually, I’ll pretty much eat whatever flavor ice cream. I do tend to avoid straight up chocolate unless its like rocky road or something.

5. Tea or coffee?
COFFEEE. Coffee is life. Coffee runs in my blood. Heck, give me that coffee IV! I only like tea once in a while when I want something warm but I dont want coffee.

6. What do you think is your best trait?
That’s hard. Maybe my creativity?

7. What’s the weirdest event you’ve ever witnessed in person? (Story time!)
Well, I could tell you.. but then I may have to kill you. But no, honestly, I can’t think of anything too weird. Maybe because I do all the weird things in my life?

8. What’s your favorite color combination?
Blue/green/purple. I love the “cool” color combinations! On the other hand, red and yellow and orange go so awesome together.

9. Cats or dogs?
BOTH! I own a cat, but we’ve had dogs and cats growing up. Both are wonderful animals.

10. What’s your favorite flower?
Oh man.
It might be a tie between the rose and the gardenia. I love the smell that the gardenia bushes produce, but roses.. There’s so many pretty colors of them. And they just look classic.

Liebster Award

Everyday, I’m surprised by something in this community. You know, the crochet/blogging/whatever you wanna call it one. I see acts of kindness, I see yarn bombing, I see freeform masterpieces. And it surprises and impresses me.

So, it touched my heart when I was nominated for a Liebster award by Ruth from a Moment of My World
Thank you so much, you are way too kind.

About the Liebster:

The Liebster Award is an award made for bloggers by bloggers, aiming to put the spotlight on new bloggers and give them a chance to shine and get known here in the blogging world.

Here are the rules for this award:

Put the Liebster Award logo on your blog.

Thank and tag the blog who nominated you.

Answer their questions and come up with 10 new ones for your nominees Nominate 8 blogs (with less than 200 followers), let them know you’ve nominated them and link them in your post

No tag-backs

Her questions for me:

1. How do you best like to spend your day?
Truthfully? With coffee and crochet and tv and friends.. Actually, my favorite days are the ones where I go home and hang out with my friends and we go watch a movie or do something fun. I love parks too, so even just walking around somewhere gorgeous just makes me feel like life is amazing.

2. Where is the best place you like to eat? And what’s your favorite food to eat there?
Ummm…… It really depends on my mood. I like french fries and philly cheese steaks some weeks, and others I want a salad with dried fruit.. Or I go for sushi. XD I really cannot name a favorite what so ever. I guess though, I love when I cook and everything just comes out RIGHT. (I can cook, I just hate the cleanup so I tend to NOT really cook and just do basic stuff…)
So I guess I’ll say my favorite thing to cook/eat is eggs. I can make awesome devilled ones or scrambled or omelettes or over easy…. So yeah. Kind of a drawn out answer.

3. What famous person inspires you the most?
Right now??? Or of all time?? Of all time: Albert Einstein or Madame Curie. Or even Rosalind Franklin.. Scientists. I love me some scientists. But really, right now, probably Dan Smith from Bastille or Nathan Fillion.. It again depends on the day and my mood.

4. What hobbies do you have that you really enjoy?
Beyond crochet?
Hmm. I love reading. But I have a hard time lately falling into a book. I think its because I tend to go to bed really late and I usually try to read a bit before I go to sleep.. that doesn’t happen most nights. XD
I also love anything craft related. Like, I like making jewelry (but sometimes it feels a little repetitive so I don’t make as much as I used to) and I like just making THINGS. Like, one week, I’ll be obsessed with sculpey and try to convince myself that I can be great at it without any practice and I make all these blob monsters (that are eventually destroyed and placed back in the block as I really don’t wanna make a million blob monsters) or shrinky dinks are fun another week and I tell myself I can make all these little tags for things.. But yeah, I like crafts, it doesn’t really matter what.
Also, I like to write a little bit. I’ve participated in NaNoWriMo a bunch of times and won a few. It’s another thing I need to be in the mood for.
Lastly, I love music. I play a littttttle guitar. I know HOW to play piano (but I never practice so I play it badly). But mainly I love singing.

5. Do you have any pets? If so, how many, and what are they?
I have the cutest little brattiest fur monster around. (okay, maybe that’s not an accurate statement, but she is cute and a brat and a monster.) She’s called a Tortipointe Siamese, but really, I call her a little mutt kitten (I didn’t realize she was a tortipointe until I went to get her fixed and the lady there laughed at my description and said that’s what she was.)

I eventually wanna get a dog too, but right now, I just have her. I love her so much and I don’t know how I could get through professional school without being able to come home to her.

6. If you could live anywhere in the world, where would it be?
Live?? uhhhh.. Well, I don’t know if I’d wanna live anywhere else but here… Mainly because my entire family is here (ish). But I’d love to visit Ireland and Spain and England. I loved visiting the Grand Canyon and I loved the scenery around there. My only thing is that while I love it when I go visit, would I appreciate it as much if I lived there? I mean, I live about 10 mins from the ocean, and I bareeeeeeely go… so, I dunno.

7. Do you have a phobia, if so, what is it?
Heights and spiders. Not sure which is worse….

8. Where is your ideal vacation destination?
Oh man, I totally answered this one above. Obviously, I don’t read ahead and I have no memory when I read these things… But really, anywhere. I wanna visit Ireland and Italy and places with so much history that you feel like you are seeped in it. I wanna visit marvels like the Grand Canyon and Niagra Falls that take your breath away and remind you how beautiful the world really is. I wanna just EXPERIENCE all that I can.

9. If you won a million dollars, what would you spend it on?
Loan repayment. No, seriously. I would. Then I’d be all practical and buy a house or something. IF there’s anything left over, travel.. I would normally say yarn.. but my yarn stash is a bit.. overwhelming as it is.

10. If you could have a superpower, what would it be? Why?
Hmm. I’ll have to think about this. I guess, I’d like some ability to control time. Mostly because I never have enough time to do everything. 😛

Here’s looking at you guys!
Cogaroo Crafts
Felt Buddies (and Stuff)
Pokemon Crochet Challenge
Foolish Life’s Blog
The Sparkly Toad
Young at Fifty
IreneIrving’s Crafty Creative

My questions. Right, I don’t feel that creative, so I’m going to change a few of hers, but they will mostly be her questions. 😛

1. How do you best like to spend your day?

2. What is your favorite book and who is your favorite character in it?

3. Do you have any pets? If so, how many, and what are they?

4. What hobbies do you have that you really enjoy?

5. What type of music or which songs inspire you the most? (Either at this moment or all time)

6. The desert island question: What three things couldn’t you live without if you were stranded? (And think that food and shelter were not an issue)

7. Do you have a phobia, if so, what is it?

8. Where is your ideal vacation destination?

9. If you won a million dollars, what would you spend it on?

10. Who is your favorite superhero (or even supervillian)? Why?

*NOTE: When I wrote this post, all the bloogs did have under 200 followers. I didn’t recheck to make sure they still do. 😛

Wait, what now?

I was floored to find out that Cogaroo Crafts nominated me for the Very Inspiring Blogger Award. Thank you so much! Honestly, I made faces at the comment going “no waaaaaaaaay..”

Here are the rules for this award:

  1. Thank and link to the amazing person who nominated you.
  2. List the rules and display the award.
  3. Share seven facts about yourself.
  4. Nominate 15 other amazing blogs and comment on their posts to let them know they have been nominated.
  5. Proudly display the award logo on your blog and follow the blogger who nominated you.


  1. I love ancient mythology.
  2. I’m also obsessed with fairy tales and fairy tale retellings
  3. I’ve said this before, and I’ll say it again, I reallllllllly love dragons.
  4. Fantasy novels are my all time favorite.
  5. I have a file of pretty bad poetry that I wrote when I was younger (one poem actually got published. I still don’t know how THAT happened.)
  6. Big projects usually tend to lose my interest… I swear I have some mild ADD or something.. It’s like “OH NEW THING!!”
  7. I love singing and music and voices. Like, I love to turn up the volume and sing along, but I’m too terribly shy to really want to sing professionally.


Thanks again!!
I’ll start poking around leaving messages now.. It took me a while to write this up!