
The old maps always said “Here there be dragons!” They were places to avoid, places where fantasy and monsters could hide. This is not that place. I will drag my monsters out for viewing and hopefully replication. There will be dragons, yes. But it will be full of yarn and fluff and many more craft projects. XD

A little bit about my work: all my yarn is yarn I’ve bought from the store or the flea market or thrift stores and not all of them have labels anymore so giving exactly what I’ve been using on a project is a little difficult! I buy my safety eyes from CR Crafts (I get the clear 9mm ones and use acrylic paint to make a bunch of colors.) 90% of my projects are crocheted in a round using magic rings (check youtube! I swear, I’ve watched random videos on so many crochet stitches on there.) I’ve also gotten into using fimo clay to make little accessories for my crochet work. That being said, I use patterns I find on ravelry or just from searching, but lately I’ve been half figuring out my own. I’ll try to post links with the patterns I use online and I’m going to try to get better at writing down exactly what I’m doing so I can share them. If you have any questions or comments, feel free to contact me. I love talking about crochet and not a lot of my friends really understand what I’m talking about with it.

Also, if you cannot crochet but you just love handcrafted little creatures, check out my Etsy shop!

2 thoughts on “About

  1. Hi! I nominated you for a Liebster Award~
    If you haven’t heard about it, it’s an award passed from blogger to blogger with the purpose of telling our readers a little bit about ourselves, as well as showing our appreciation to other bloggers. It’s voluntary so no pressure! I just wanted to let you know that your blog was one of my nominations.

    If you want to check it out, the blog post is here: https://frombadtoworsted.wordpress.com/2016/02/13/liebster-award-yay/

    Have a great weekend! 😀

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