Camp Nano.

Hey all!
So, I decided even though I have the crazy-looming boards over my head (I picked a date! July 19th! Ahhh!!!) I’m going to do Camp NanoWrimo. This might be a terrible fail on my part. While I was waiting around for April to start, I was thinking about my story (By the by, I’m a pantser in all things.. I barely ever have a plan beyond “Let’s start here…” And then I figure it out along the way. >.>) and I was creating a character in my mind.. Well, that wasn’t good enough for me, I had to HAVE my character sitting in front of me while I wrote.

What did I know about my character….. nothing. >.> I like fantasy (I like dragons…) so I wanted to do a story about a lady knight. But then as I was thinking I changed it and she’s going to be a modern day lady-knight… Don’t ask me, this is what I figure out when I’m tired and loopy. So, we’ll see how it works.

I didn’t exactly finish her yet.. I kinda went home for the weekend and she needs a second shoe…. and maybe some chain mail on top of her tunic thing.. but you can see what she looks like.
So! Meet Kiana:

I decided to give her black hair with some green streaks through it… I wanted her to look a little punky.. and I was trying something with embroidery to make her lips.. it kinda worked.

You can see her one boot here.. and all those loose ends.. I make my people without clothes and then make the clothes so they can come on/off of the doll.. which is why there are loose ends. lol.

I was hoping to have her finished before the first, but as I didn’t.. and as I got distracted.. I decided to show everyone before I got too wrapped up in her story and started hating her.. >.>

This is what I know about her as of right now:
1. She’s a modern day lady knight.
2. she’s tough as nails
3. Her ex is a dragon slayer (she’s also an ex-dragon slayer…)
4. She’s kinda grumpy…
5. She definitely wants to bash things with a sword…
6. She was “sacrificed” to a dragon (hence being an EX dragon slayer!) but she lived!
7. She will be up to her neck in muck (of the story) once it starts.

Right after I finished her body though, I ordered AmiguruME by Allison Hoffman from Crafty is Cool. I kept drooling over her people, and the book I saw in the store when I went forever ago.. but I put it back because I told myself even though it seemed interesting.. I wasn’t going to make people… YEah, about that… Since I got it, I skimmed through it, giving me ideas for future people I want to make now.. (and it was what also inspired trying to embroider the lips) >.> Yeah, I’m a bit of a dork. So watch for peoplez!

Also, I’m testing a pattern of a pokemon.. I’ll prolly post the finished product here with a link to the pattern once I’m done. So far, it’s really cool. That’s all I’m going to say about it.

I might be a little obsessed with dragons..

Needless to say, I love dragons. I love all things dragon related. Anyway, because of this obsession (I tend to be obsessed with other things too, but dragons are what we are talking about) I tend to make a lot of them.
Today, I wanted to try something else… so, I started playing around and came up with this little guy:

I started by wanting a silver (see grey) dragon. But I couldn’t find the right colored yarn.. It doesn’t mean I dont have it, I just didn’t know what drawer I shoved it into during my quick cleaning. See, I had pulled all my yarn out, looking for some, and I was going to take a picture of it to show you all my crazy stash.. but then I realized that the yarn had completely taken over my living room, so I did a quick pick up, shoving all the stray yarn balls somewhere before putting most of them back into my craft closet. ANYWAY, so I started out looking for this grey, which I couldn’t find. I then found the sparkly/metalic thread. Great! I’ll get my practice making smaller crochet things!
Total fail. I messed up counting, I tried to pull it apart, and the thread ripped. This gave me a headache, so I just shrugged and put it aside.
I then found my off purple yarn (its sooo soft. I have no idea what it is, just that it’s soft) and I twisted the metalic purple thread around it, thinking it was a good idea.. It was, made it a little harder to crochet with it, but I liked the effects.
I then (as I had rearranged my yarn) found my fun fur and held it up to my dragon thinking hmmm… and I smiled realizing that it would be kinda cool to make the spikes out of this stuff.. plus, I’m not the best at using it..

See, I tried to make a scarf.. it got tangled, I couldn’t untangle it, so I made it into a cat toy for my baby.
So I tried making the spikes, they actually came out neat looking and when I stitched them on.. totally looked like I made a dragon with a mohawk!
Anyway, from there I made the wings and I tried to do something lacy. I had a lot of fun making this.
Some other pictures for you:

Anyway, keep on crafting. XD

Triforce Hat and a Lacey Scarf

So, I totally forgot I didn’t post my hat picture. Remember last time when I mentioned I started working on a hat for me, but I didn’t finish it… well, I did!

The picture is bad cause I cannot take pictures of myself and there is one little yarn piece dangling down cause I was super excited about the hat, I hadn’t finished tucking in ends (I have now, but i didn’t THEN.)

I cannot take credit for this design at all. The amazing ladies at Lattes and Llamas are doing a geek-a-long. They are making a blanket and at the end of the year, they are donating their blanket to Child’s Play. This is awesome of them, but as I don’t knit and any project that has to be pieced together and all the ends perfectly hidden tends to… fall flat for me and sit in the corner never to be finished, I just ooggle their blanket as it comes along. But I did see their triforce square and I honestly tried to learn knitting just for that. That.. uh.. kinda fell flat again too… as I have a hard time just doing a knit stitch and purl just seems like magic to me. I thought about just crocheting it, but what would I do with a random trifoce square? (beyond run around my house like a dork and wave it above my head all the time that is) So instead I stared at it, and stared, and stared… until I finally was like “OH! I’ll make a hat!!”

And thus it was born. Thank you ladies! I had a fun time using your pattern, even though I twisted it.

I will admit… I still have a lot of loose ends hanging in the inside that I just knotted because I was being lazy. >.> but it’s for me, and it is the inside, so it will do.

The other thing I did was make a lacey scarf.

I don’t know if any of you have seen this yarn in the stores:

It’s called a sashay yarn, this particular color I got at walmart at the clearance aisle.. the label just says “1959 twist sash E782” no actual brand… but anyway,when you start pulling the end apart it looks like this

Well, I had a grey one with little bobbles on it (that’s what I call them.. don’t ask me!) that I picked up forever ago, realized everything I tried to crochet with it looked weird, and shoved in my drawer to play with later. Well, I finally figured out how to do a basssssssic crochet stitch with it, giving it that lacey look. I thus made a grey string of it (I called this grey string a scarf and then gave it away as I had no idea what to do with it.. I dont really wear scarves. It doesn’t get THAT cold here guys!) So when I still had some grey left, I decided to make another scarf out of it. that ended before I reached the end of my row (in 1 sc after the foundation row) so I put it aside and went eventually I’ll get some more to finish it.. I then picked up that blue varigated one from walmart the other day, and did another couple of rows to finish it. I’m super happy with how it came out, and no, I won’t be giving away this one.

I still have a lot of it left though. Don’t be surprised if you see some projects with that used in it sporadically!

Happy crafting and keep your smile on. XD

Bullying: Schools doing it wrong

Go read this article about a boy who was banned from wearing his favorite backpack to school.
Because it’s a “trigger for bullying.”

What is wrong with this? Is it that a little boy loves My Little Pony?
NO. Not at all.
Seriously, love what you want! People MY age love that show cause it’s cute! And it has a good message.

The problem with this is that they are punishing the little boy who is being bullied and not the bullies.

Wait, what?
YES. That is what they are doing. They are blaming the victim. It’s.. atrocious. People do this ALL the time, but seriously, it’s a kid. Don’t teach him that it is not okay to like things and show support for that just because other people suck.

Cause really, other people do suck when it comes down to the nitty gritty of it all.

This is the same problem that comes with anything. Oh, you were robbed, must have been YOUR fault. Raped? What were you wearing?

WHO THE FUCK REALLY CARES? Seriously. People don’t ask to be picked on. I don’t go out into the world screaming every day “Hey! Look at me! Be shitty to me!” That’s not how it works.
And the fact that the school district is teaching that it’s okay to blame/punish victims… NOT COOL.

Sorry, bullying lies close to my heart. From one kid who used to be bullied, Stick in there and love what you love! Don’t let people tell you differently.
*drops mic and steps off soap box*

Really, I should have a once a month article bitch fest. >.>

Err… Batgirl?

I started working on a hat for me. Well, maybe for me. I dont even know who it was for actually.. I just wanted to make a hat! But I’ve tried this before, and the first hat I made was… was way too big and not hat like… the second hat I tried to makle was waaay too small but it was more hat like at least.. just a good DOLL hat.

This one was actually coming out well, it had the design on it I wanted.. but it was become WAAAAAAY too long and was having waaaay too many ends hanging out. Again, no big deal.. i’ll finish it eventually..

But! I started to make another hat for a friend. She asked me to make it slouchy…. And she asked for black and yellow stripes. This worked PERFECTLY (well, almost) with what I had in mind for her..

And she was supposed to give me her head measurements so I’d know if it would actually FIT her.. but hopefully it will!
I also realized if I take a picture of myself I glare at the camera or I look like I’m goign to murder someone… therefore…. you get the LESS creepy picture of me.

Anyway, there it is. I have no pattern for what I was doing… I kinda used some knit pattern design website to block out the batgirl symbol (or as close as I could get it!) and that entire area I did in single crochet. The rest was double (except for the edge, which I again did in single)
If I were wearing it right, it would indeed be slouchy. And the inside looks like a mess… I just carried my yarn though back and forth so I wouldn’t have all the loose ends.. Good and bad idea really..