Taurus: April 20 – May 20

So, this post got delayed by many things: First, I took way too long on Aries. Second, I had to take the equivalent of 4 tests in a month. All of those required driving anywhere from 2 to 4 hours away to take them. The stress of it all made me nearly sick to my stomach. I’m still awaiting results as I type this up. Third, I started moving and packing as I have to be out of my place by the end of May, which is actually the end of this week. It’s been a long couple of months. I actually gave away my light box in lieu of throwing it out or breaking it up (it was a cardboard box and some tissue paper) during the move. Sorry if my pictures aren’t up to my current standard. Hopefully next month’s pictures will be better, once I get resettled and make another one.

That being said: Here’s Taurus!

So the Taurus sign runs from April 20 to May 20th, and actually, my birthday also falls under this sign.

How to make your own Taurus:
What I used:
Lion’s brand: Vanna’s choice in Cranberry
Small amount of Vanna’s Choice in Dusty Purple
Small amount of Premier home cotton
D hook
G hook
Stitch markers
polyfil stuffing material
Wire for horns

Head: Cranbery
1. magic ring with 5sc
2. inc every stitch (10)
3. inc, sc. repeat around (15)
4. inc, 2 sc. repeat around (20)
5. inc, 3 sc. repeat around (25)
6. inc, 4 sc. repeat around (30)
7-9. sc around (3 rows)
10. dec, 4 sc. repeat around (25)
11. dec, 3 sc. repeat around (20)
12. dec, 2 sc. repeat around (15)
13. dec, sc. repeat around (10)
14. sc around.

Body: (cranberry)
1. magic ring with 5sc
2. inc every stitch (10)
3. inc, sc. repeat around (15)
4. inc, 2 sc. repeat around (20)
5. inc, 3 sc. repeat around (25)
6-14. sc around (9 rows)
15. dec, 4 sc. repeat around (25)
16. dec, 3 sc. repeat around (20)
17. dec, 2 sc. repeat around (15)
18. dec, sc. repeat around (10)
19. dec around (5)

Legs: Dusty purple:
1. magic ring with 5sc
2. inc every stitch (10)
3. sc around once.
Switch to Cranberry:
4 – 8. Sc around (5 rows)*

Ears: (cranberry)
Starting in second chain from hook: sl, sc, hdc, dc, ch2 and turn.
2. dc, hdc, sc, sl then
sl along other side. T.O.

Premier home cotton and size D hook
1. magic ring with 4 sc.
2. inc, sc. repeat. (6)
3. inc, 2 sc. repeat (8)
4 – 5. sc around (2 rows)
6. inc, 3 sc. repeat. (10)
7 – 8. Sc around (2 rows)

Tail: (Cranberry)
1. magic ring with 4 sc.
2. inc, sc. repeat. (6)
3 – 7. sc around (5 rows)*
I attached some yarn and combed it out to give it a bristly look..

nose: (Cranberry)
1. magic ring with 6sc.
2. 2 incs, 1 sc. repeat once (10)
3. 2 incs, 3sc. repeat once (14)
4. sc around

*you can increase or decrease the number of rows you sc around here to increase or decrease the length to your own discretion.

In case you missed it:

Superhero Barbie!

Hey all! I didn’t mean to go poof so long. I started finishing up Taurus, realized I lost one of the legs I made, then kinda went blaaaah about the whole thing since I was irritated about losing the leg. (I’m silly like that.) I’ll go back to it. Eventually.

But, I wanted to share a pattern with you all for a superhero costume for Barbie! (It was for a mini-challenge on ravelry through Nerdy Hookers)

Size 10 crochet thread in your choice of colors
Size 7 crochet hook
yarn needle
5 snaps (or how many you feel you need.. I used 5 total)
needle and thread for attaching fasteners.

This pattern fits Barbie.

1. ch 34.
2. starting in the 3rd chain from hook: hdc to the end (32)
3. 13 hdc, (4 dc in 1 stitch), 4 hdc, (4 dc in 1 stitch), 13 hdc. (38)
4-5. hdc to end (38)
6. 13 hdc, 6 dec, 13 hdc (32)
7. 5 hdc, ch.7, skip 4 stitches and hdc in the 5th from the chain, 13 hdc, ch.7, skip 4 st and hdc in 5th from chain, 4hdc.
8. 5 hdc, 7sc in loop, 14 hdc, 7sc in loop, 5 hdc.

1. Ch 28.
2. in 3rd chain from the hook: hdc to the end, ch 2 and turn. (26)
3. hdc, inc, 22 hdc, inc, hdc, ch 2 and turn (28)
4. hdc, inc, 24 hdc, inc, hdc, ch 2 and turn (30)
5. hdc, inc, 26 hdc, inc, hdc, ch 2 and turn (32)
6. 2 inc, 28 hdc, 2 inc, ch 2 and turn (36)
7. inc, 34 hdc, inc, ch 2 and turn (38)
8. hdc around, ch 2 and turn (If I had to do this again, I might take this row out.)
*9. 19 hdc, sl st to the ch2. ch2 and turn (this starts the first leg)
10-13 hdc around, ch 2 and turn (19)
14. dec 2 anywhere (17)
15. hdc around
16. dec 2 anywhere (15)
17. hdc around
18. dec 2 anywhere (13)
19-30. hdc around
31. dec 2 anywhere (11)
32. dec 2 anywhere (9)
33-34. hdc around

For the other leg, sl stitch to start it, and then repeat from the * to the end.

1. Ch 41.
2. Starting in 2nd chain from hook: sc and sc to the end, ch1 and turn (40)
3. 15 sl st, 2 sc then chain 5, Skip 2 st and sc in the 3rd from the chain, another sc, ch 5 and sc in the 3rd st from the chain, 1 sc, then 15 sl st. Ch 1 and turn.
4. 15 sl st,2 sc, 5 sc in the loop, sl st, 5 sc in the loop, 2 sc, 15 sl st. T.O.

1. Ch 27.
2. starting in 2nd ch from hook: 3 sl, 6 sc, 8hdc, 9 dc. Ch 2 and turn.
3. 9 dc, 8hdc, 6 sc. Ch 1 and turn (you’re going to ignore those 3 sl st fornow)
4. 6 sc, 8hdc, 9 sc. ch 2 and turn.
5-14. Repeat rows 3 and 4 5 times. you should end with the end up towards those 3 sl st. Don’t ch1 and turn at theend.
15. ch 4. starting in 2nd loop from chain: 3 sl st, 6 sc, 8hdc, 9 dc. T.O.
Attach to the top.

Aries: March 21 – April 19th

This is third in my series of Zodiac signs, Aries!

Aries is also known as the ram, and this little ram took me a while!

The other thing is I forgot to attach his little tag, oops. I’ll do that soon.

What I used:
Lion brand: Vanna’s Choice in Dusty purple and a size G hook
Premier Home Cotton and a size D hook
Safety eyes
chenille stem (or pipe cleaner based off what I feel like calling it)

Lion brand: Vanna’s Choice in Dusty purple
Make 2 ears:
1. Magic ring with 4sc
2. Inc, sc. Repeat (6)
3. Inc, 2 sc. Repeat (8)
3. Inc, 3 sc. Repeat (10)
4. Sc around
5. dec, 3 sc. repeat (8)

1. Magic ring with 6sc
2. Inc, sc. Repeat around (9)
3. Inc, 2 sc. Repeat around (12)
4. Inc, 3 sc. repeat around (15)
5. Inc, 4 sc. Repeat around (18)
6. Inc, 5 sc. Repeat around (21)
7. Inc, 6 sc. Repeat around (24)
8. Inc, 7 sc. Repeat around (27)
9. Inc, 8 sc. Repeat around (30)
10 – 11. Sc around
12. Dec, 4sc. repeat around (25)
13. Dec, 3 sc. repeat around (20)
14. dec, 2 sc. Repeat around (15)
15. Dec, sc. Repeat around (10)
16. Dec around (5)

1. Magic ring with 5 sc.
2. inc around (10)
3. Inc, sc. Repeat around (15)
4. Inc, 2 sc. Repeat around (20)
5. Inc, 3 sc. repeat around (25)
6-14. Sc around
15. Dec, 3 sc. repeat around (20)
16. Dec, 2 sc. Repeat around (15)
17. Dec, sc. Repeat around (10)
18. Dec around. (5)

4x Legs:
1. Magic ring with 5 sc.
2. inc around (10)
3. Inc, sc. Repeat around (15)
4. Dec x4, sc rest of the way around (11)
5. sc, dec, sc rest of the way around (10)
6-11. Sc around and tie off.

1. Magic ring with 4sc
2. Inc, sc. Repeat (6)
3. Inc, 2 sc. Repeat (8)

Horn: in Premier home cotton and D hook
1. Magic ring with 4sc
2. Inc, sc. Repeat (6)
3. Inc, 2 sc. Repeat (8)
4 – 6. sc around.
7. Inc, 3 sc. Repeat (10)

To finish, sew pieces together using a little wire for the horns if you desire. I did so I could spin them around like I did…This is in no way 100% necessary. You can use a little wire as well in the feet/legs, but most of mine usually stand up on their own so I don’t worry about it. (The wire is the chenille stem/pipe cleaner. I find it to be the easiest way because I have those little buggers EVERYWHERE… yays for loving crafts!)

I hope you enjoy Aries and I’ll get started on Taurus soon so that it won’t be as delayed as this.

In case you missed it:

Pisces: February 19 – March 20

Welcome back to the 12 signs of the Zodiac (in crochet!)
So, this is my second month in my challenge, and this month I made Pisces!

Pisces is usually represented by two fish, however, because of life, I only had time to make one of them. (I tend to do things very last minute.)

I decided to represent Pisces by a koi fish. I used.. I believe Red Heart Super Saver yarn for this project. I chose a red, an orange, and a white yarn for my fish.

When I crochet in multiple colors like this, I tend to leave them attached instead of snipping all those ends. Then when I get down where I’ve stopped the patterning, I snip them and tie them together. If this was going to be a hat or something, I would have been snipping and hiding ends. In this case, since everything will be hidden inside the piece, knots and leaving them hanging a little is fine. (I am lazy when it comes to hiding ends.)

I used three colors: A red, an orange and a white. In the body section, r is red, w is white, and o is for orange.
1. Magic ring with 6 sc.
2. inc, sc. Repeat around – 9
3. inc, 2 sc. repeat around – 12
4. inc, 3 sc. repeat around – 15
5. inc, 2 sc. repeat around – 20
6. inc, 3 sc. repeat around – 25
7. inc, 4 sc. repeat around – 30
8-9. sc around
10. 4sc in white, 4sc in red. 23sc white
11. 3w, 4 red, 5 white, 3 orange, 14w
12. 1white, 8 red, 3white, 6orange, 12 w
13. 3w, 7r, 1w, 9 o, 10w
14. 5w, 7r, 5o, 13w
15. 7w,3r, 8o, 12w
16. 4w,4r,6o, 16w
17. 3w, 9r, 2o, 10w, dec, 4w – 29
18. 5w, 7r, 4o, 3w, dec, 5w, dec, 1w – 27
19. 7w, 4r, 7o, 3w, dec, 4w – 26
20. 4w, 7r, 5o, 7w, dec, 1w – 25
21. 2w, 6r, dec, 2r, 3o, 10w – 24
22. 8w, 2r, 6o, 8w – 24
23. 7w, 9o, 3w, dec, 3w (you can snip the red yarn at this point, as the red coloring is done with) – 23
24. 4w, 8o, dec, 2o, 7w. – 22
25. 2w, 5o, dec. 2o, 11w – 21
26. 6w, 3o, 7w, dec, 3w. -20
27. 10w, dec, 8 w (you can snip the orange now.) – 19
28. 5, dec, 12, (turn inside out here and start snipping/tying) – 18.
the reason I snip and tie off all those ends is because I feel like it pulls otherwise. You can probably get away without doing this. Or however you do your normal color patterning would work
29. dec, 7sc, repeat – 16
30. 3sc, dec, 5sc, dec, 4sc – 14
31. 1sc,dec, 5sc, dec,4sc – 12
32. 4sc, dec, 4sc,dec – 10
33. dec, 3sc, dec, 3sc – 8
34. dec, 2sc, dec, 2sc – 6
35. dec, sc, dec, sc – 4

2 sc. slst. t.o.

Top fins:
ch 10.
slst, 2sc, 3hdc, 3dc, ch2, turn
3dc, 3hdc, 2 sc, slst.
sl st around the other side to the corner.

slst, 3sc, 3hdc, 3dc, ch2 and turn
3dc, 3hdc, 3sc, slst, ch1 and turn
slst, 3sc, 3hdc, 3dc.
sl st around one side and back around to other

2sc, 3hdc, ch2 and turn
2hdc, 2sc, sl,
Sl stitch around to the other side.

back fin:
sc12, ch2 and turn
2dc,2hdc, 6sc, 2sl.

And there you have Pisces! The only other thing I added, was the small tag that I made a month ago. For Pisces, I attached it like it was holding it in the mouth.

Lastly, in case you missed it:

Happy Valentine’s Day (Or Single’s Awareness Day)

Hey all! I hope you are having a great Valentine’s day.. or if you aren’t in a relationship, Single’s Awareness Day.

So, if you want a flower that’s long lasting or if you’re looking for something to give to someone, try making a rose:

I used a sized 7 crochet hook, some crochet thread, and a chenille stem.

For the stem:
1. Magic ring with 5sc
2. Inc in every stitch (10)
3-29. Sc around (you can increase or decrease the length depending on how long you want your stem to be)
30. dec, 3 sc. Repeat (8)
31 – 38. Sc around (again, you can decrease how many here depending on the length you want.
39. ch3 – (sc, hdc) dec, sc, ch 3 – (sc, hdc) dec. sc. T.O. (here the sc and hdc are in teh chains. The ones not in () are in the round like normal.. this just puffs it out a little so that you can have the stem come up onto the rose and hide your base)
T.O. leaving a long tail.
I shoved a pipecleaner down the stem and used it to bend for the pictures above. You can use some fiberfill if you like, but I didn’t bother. Also, I only bent mine so it would stand up, you don’t have to.

1. ch. 62
2. sc61 ch2, turn
3. Skip first sc, 3 doubles in next st. ch1, skip next stitch, sc into next. Ch. 1. Skip next stitch, 4 doubles in next. ch1. skip next stitch, sc, ch1, skip, 4dc in next, ch.1 skip, sc, ch. 1 skip, 4dc in next stitch, ch.1, skip, sc, ch.1, skip, 5dc in next stitch, ch.1, skip, sc., ch,1 and keep going with the skip, sc, skip 5 dc skip, until the end, but you want to end on a sc. With this, I had 15 petals. T.O. leaving a long tail.

So the idea here is the 3 dc side is your inside as its smaller petals. Roll on this side along and tug it down slightly as you go. you want an almost dome shaped flower. Sew all this together as tightly as you can. You’re then going to take the stem and the petals that are open you’re going to position them on either side and sew them onto the stem.

And there you go! Have fun with your little roses.