Week 35: Spider

Halloween feels like it’s just around the corner. Or maybe more so when I go into a store and they are ALREADY selling costumes and decorations. Either way, this week I made a spider to add to my halloween decorations.

Pattern for your very own spider:
1. Start with a magic ring with 5 sc.
2. Inc in every stitch (10)
3. Inc, sc. Repeat around (15)
4. Inc, 2 sc. Repeat around (20)
5. Inc, 3 sc. Repeat around (25)
6-8. sc around.
9. Dec, 3 sc. Repeat around. (20)
10. Dec, 2 sc. Repeat around. (15)
11. Dec, 1 sc. Repeat around. (10)
12. Dec around (5) and T.O.
Make sure you stuff and add the eyes before you completely close it.

1. Start with a magic ring with 5 sc.
2. Inc in every stitch (10)
3. Inc, sc. Repeat around (15)
4. Inc, 2 sc. Repeat around (20)
5. Inc, 3 sc. Repeat around (25)
6. Inc, 4 sc. Repeat around (30
7-9. sc around.
10. Dec, 4 sc. Repeat around (25)
11. Dec, 3 sc. Repeat around. (20)
12. Dec, 2 sc. Repeat around. (15)
13. Dec, 1 sc. Repeat around. (10)
14. Dec around (5) and T.O.

For the legs:
1. Start with a magic ring with 4 sc.
2. Inc, sc. Repeat around (6)
3-17. Sc around. T.O.
What I did was once I had my 8 legs, I took 4 pipe cleaners/fuzzy sticks and stuffed them through the body, folding the end over before I shoved them through my legs. I then sewed the legs to the body and bent into the shape I wanted.

And there you have it, you’re very own spider!

6 thoughts on “Week 35: Spider

  1. That spider is really cute – and this is coming from an arachnophobe! 🙂 Halloween seems to sneak up on me every year…it would be cool to have some crocheted decorations. Thanks for sharing the pattern!

    • haha. Thanks! I actually have arachnophobia as well, but Halloween is the time where I face my fears and hang spiders all over the place. XD I’m planning on doing a bunch of little Halloween things in the coming weeks, and I’ll try to share all the patterns… Or well, the ones I write up the patterns.

  2. Love him. He’s very similar to the one I made up for Christmas last year. I brought my friend who hates spiders a spider vacuum & made a little spider chap to go with it. He now happily lives in there conservatory.

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