WIP Wednesday – or maybe no progress

Here’s the thing. I’ve worked on things. I really have. But not my shawl with the crocodile stitches.

I got some pretty yarn over the weekend, which I showed you some of it, but I made a thing with three balls. I realized it wasn’t what I wanted, so I tore it apart and sorta restarted. But beyond that, my crafting has just sorta poofed.

I also have a presentation to do tomorrow, so that may be part of why I haven’t really worked on anything much.

Lastly, I started writing again. It really isnt much, but it is something.

I hope you all are doing much better than me this week!
Happy Crafting.

Week 8: Cactus, Stitch markers, WIP

Time for Confessions:
I should avoid craft stores. Or stores that sell yarn period. I went to the store today to pick up something for another project.. Granted, it wasn’t a planned trip, just a “oh.. I’m running errands (which I hate) and there’s a craft store… Hmm..Welllllll.. Maybe I’ll just run in and grab the one thing I possssssibly need if I’m going to make more of those things.. that are NOT crochet…. and there’s probably a coupon… Okay. I’ll just get that and leave.”

Anyway, I walked out with a basket full of yarn and other little things (granted, I had limited myself to ONE hand basket and not a cart.. but I was seriously considering flipping over to a cart and mayyyyybe getting some more yarn.)

The other awesome thing that happened was this lady gave me a coupon. Considering everything I picked up was on clearance or on sale, the coupon I originally planned to use wouldn’t work (darn “only full price items” clause.) But her coupon did.

So thanks to the awesome lady at the craft store who helped fuel my yarn addiction… And a giant GRRS to myself and my lack of control when it comes to things on sale. >.>

But look at the new addition to my stash! (Note: Not all the yarns were pictures as I’ve already used up a ball today alone and I have two more balls sitting on my couch for the same project.)

Now back to my week of crochet:

I totally missed my Wednesday post. Not because I didn’t have any progress. This week in school has been, well, exhausting. I thought about it Tuesday and worked more on my shawl so I could show more progress than “I did three stitches” (okay, I’m exaggerating, but that’s what it felt like) and then on Wednesday, totally blanked my mind and I went to bed super early. Actually, I just remembered yesterday that I missed my check in, but I shrugged it off as “well, I’m going to post tomorrow anyway, so I’ll show my progress then.” (Good thing I haven’t added anything to the shawl since Wednesday. :-P)

Anyway, my WIP shawl:

It’s now 19 inches.
(and I was lazy and didn’t take a picture of the ENTIRE shawl.. oh well)

Then, I dunno. After I finished Link I just kinda felt like a lost little puppy. Like, it was a big project that I’ve been wanting to do and I kept putting it off and putting it off because I was afraid of it. But once I finished.. I just.. I dunno. I feel weird. Like, accomplished, but a little lost on what to do next. I still feel that way, but I am making things.
This week, I decided to experiment with crochet thread. A while ago, I picked up one of those Loops and Threads tester packages things.. you know, it kinda looks like this:

(totally not my picture…)
And I never did anything with them. So they sat in my stash as I looked at them and shook my head that they were too small and I couldnt make anything with them. (too small being too thin.)
Well, this week, I picked up the brand new, never opened bag, and tore into it. With a small #7 crochet hook, I made this mini cactus with it’s pot. (Actually, I had more problems with the pot than I did with the cactus.

Quarter and easter egg for comparison purposes.

Then, because I saw the idea on Ravelry (I think), I made these little stitch markers with earring hooks and some wire. It’s totally similar to creating earrings, but instead of making two matching ones, you just make one. Also, use the hooks that close together.. the lever back ones.

Only one pictured because I erm.. misplaced the second one I made..

Not the most interesting things I could have done with it, but you know, I really was just playing around for the time being.

Anyway, that’s all from here. Happy crafting everyone!

Week 7: Link and resin casting.

Okay, do ignore the crappy photos as I took them on my phone, I’ll take a better picture of Link at least in the next couple of days and share it.
This week though I finished Link.

I stitched the arms on his body and made the tunic. As I was making the tunic, I kept getting annoyed because it looked like he was wearing a dress. But really, that tunic DOES sorta look like a dress. And it looked better once I added in the belts. There was more to my journey in making him than I’ve shared, but I love the end result. The only thing I wanna do now is either stitch a small mouth on his face, or draw it in with fabric markers (I;ve been totally looking for a reason to usemy new fabric markers, so I think I will on Link)

Other than that, I took a small break from crochet and tried my hand at resin casting. A few months ago, I tried my hand at it. With less than ideal results. I don’t think I shared it with you, as I shook my head and put it away until I felt like trying again.

First attempt.

So I tried again this past week and I had better results:

I have no idea what I’m going to do with them, but I was determined to get it right.
I really still have no idea what I did wrong the first time, but I’m guessing I didn’t mix it long enough the first time.

Also, I was sent this little guy and I looove it. It’s so tiny and it has the tiniest little hat!

Anyway, happy crafting everyone!

1 year!!!

Hi guys,
As of today, this blog is a year old! Can you believe it? We made it through a year! I wasn’t sure what I wanted for this blog when I started it. I guess mainly, I want to see how I grow as a crafter. I want to share things I create. None of this would have been possible without you all.

Anyway, thank you all for sticking with me this past year. Thank you to everyone who keeps finding my blog. Let’s keep creating! XD

WIP slump.

This week, I really haven’t crocheted that much. I dunno what it is, a slump maybe? Or it could be that I don’t have small projects that only take me an hour or so, I have big massive projects thatI dont wanna get wrong..or they are getting heavy.* 😛

Needless to say, my progress on my WIPs have been nearly abysmal.

I did finish an arm for Link, but I didn’t make the second arm yet..

(also, please ignore the cat hair. She slept on my blanket background.)

For my shawl, I tried to finish the row I was half on.. I did a handful of stitches and then fell asleep. So not much progress there either.

But right now, it’s at 18 inches, and probably have been there for a few weeks. But still, a few stitches still count!

But it is something. And everyone has slow weeks, right?

Anyway, I hope you all are doing much better on your WIPs. Keep on crafting!

*Or it could be that I got absorbed in video games when I’m not in school and I didn’t really feel up to doing much else…