
I’ve always had a goal to try to post at least once a week here. That means having something to show at least once a week. I don’t always post when I finish a craft, as I forget or I don’t upload the picture… I’m kinda bad at keeping up with myself. (and I’m bad at remembering to take pictures and to document exactly what I’ve been doing)

Anyway, I was looking at something and then after jumping around a bit, I landed at Mad Crochet Lab and I was looking at the experiments and just kinda flipping through randomly and I saw the term “Yarndango.”
Being curious, I tried to figure out what it was. I then did a google search and found where it was first mentioned. Yarndango was first created two years ago (give or take) and was what I was looking for. A (self) challenge to create something every week… Granted, hers was for a pattern every week, I’m just happy making something, pattern or no.

So, starting In January, I wanna create something to post for every week. Kind of last minute, I know, but feel free to join in. My goal will be to post on Saturday whatever I’ve done that week (including WIPs – just to show that I AM working on something)

Also, I will be trying to tie these projects into the other crochet challenges that I like to do (which you can find here on Ravelry and I’ll try to say here if I change around what group my challenge is for.

To wrap up the year, here’s what I finished this month…

I made these little snowflakes for everyone in my clinic out of perler beads. I already gave them out as Christmas gifts/decorations for the clinic.

I was working on this shawl since before thanksgiving and I finished it off.. I may add a few more rows to it. The pattern came from Undeniable Glitter
She stated hers had 23 petals (thus rows) but mine of right now has 35.. and like I said, I may add more, but it is finished as of now.. I just dont like the length of it. I used about 4 skeins of Yarn Bee Soft Secret yarn in grey scale.. with a size J hook. I’m making another one for my mother (in blues) and I have a bigger hook (an N) and more skeins. Its a gorgeous pattern and I do have to say that the crocodile stitch makes it reallly heavy.

This cat toy I made a basic ball with leftover yarn (hence it changed color in the middle, but i figured my baby wouldn’t care) and I shoved craft feathers into one end and used a hot glue gun on the inside to hold them. I also wrapped the ribbon around the feathers and pulled both ends of the ribbon out before I attached the bells. She.. kinda likes it. Cats.

So, my neighbor back home sent over these knitting looms from one of her friends. I’ve never tried them before, (or, well not since I was little) and I took them all with me and grabbed the smallest and went “hmm..” It had a pattern in the bag of how to use it, and I started. Except that when I finished it, I didn’t have the pattern as I left it in my apartment and brought the unfinished scarf with me to my parents house for the holidays. I kinda just winged finishing it after watching a few youtube videos on how to finish.. but it’s probably not right. Doesn’t matter though as it works. XD

I finished this lacy scarf.

The picture isn’t the best, and it doesnt really do it justice, but I loved the fabric with the little skulls on it. I got this “yarn” about a year ago during a sale. (I pick up lots of yarns during sales) and its neat. Since I tend to lose my labels when I’m working up projects, I totally forgot the name of this. But upon googling a litttttttle and a little luck, I found out what it is!
Red Heart Boutique Sassy Fabric.
It looks like this when you start pulling it out:

and those little holes in it are great for sticking a hook through and crocheting like you would any of the lacy yarns.

Lastly, I don’t have a picture, but those scale mail gloves I was working on, I finally finished the second one. >.>

I hope you all have a great New Year with new challenges ahead. XD

2014 in review

The stats helper monkeys prepared a 2014 annual report for this blog.

Here's an excerpt:

A San Francisco cable car holds 60 people. This blog was viewed about 2,200 times in 2014. If it were a cable car, it would take about 37 trips to carry that many people.

So, not bad considering I only started this blog in February. I have something else I wanna share, but I’ll save that for tomorrow or maybe the first.

My 5 Favorite Geek Projects

So, it’s not that I haven’t been crocheting, I have. I just havent taken pictures. >.> But I will! In the meantime, I just want to do a quick post to share with you some of the awesome patterns I’ve found recently on Ravelry. (So, you’ll probably need a Ravelry account to view them)

  1. This Anna doll from Frozen
  2. A lot of people love Elsa (and who could blame them? she’s AWESOME.) but I have such a soft spot for Anna. I think she’s just adorable with how cheery she is and how she is just so naive and innocent and awkward. The creator of this doll also made an Elsa, a Sven, a Cristof and an Olaf. So, if you have any Frozen lovers these would be great to create for them!

  3. Assassin’s Creed scarf/hood
  4. SERIOUSLY, how awesome is this? I’m a huuuge fan of Assassin’s Creed and this just really impressed me. To the point where I’m planning on making it someday soon.

  5. Baymax from Big Hero 6
  6. Huggable robot for the win? I don’t know what else to say about this except that after I watched Big Hero 6, I wanted my own Baymax.

  7. Enterovirus
  8. I don’t know how many of you have seen those giant plush microbes, but they crack me up. Maybe because I’m in the health field, or because I’m a science dork at heart, or I just think its funny to have one and just laugh about it (FYI, I do not have a giant microbe. I’ve been talking about them for YEARS.) Anyway, if you want your own Enterovirus to toss about or give to people (without getting them sick!) then this is for you!

  9. Link Gauntlets
  10. Okay. These are knitted and not crochet, but seriously, LOOK at them. Soooo awesome. There’s a crochet version as well, but I don’t like the design as much. Maybe one day I can convince someone to make them for me. Or, it may be my reason to truly learn knitting once and for all.

What projects would you like to receive this holiday season? Or what projects are you making for your favorite people?
I know I have a list I should be creating for. Which I’ll go back to working on now.. or studying….