Lots of Good Fun: Thing 1 and 2 style

As I mentioned before, I participated in that swap and I actually did a fairly decent job of keeping scribbles of what I did! So, to start, here is the pattern I wrote up for Thing 1 and 2:

White (or off white) yarn
Blue fun fur/eyelash yarn (I think mine was colbalt)
Red yarn.
Black embroidery thread.

HEad with white:
1. Start with a magic ring with 5 sc
2. Inc in every stitch – 10
3. inc in first, sc, repeat – 15
4. inc, sc, sc, repeat – 20
5. Inc, sc, sc, sc, repeat – 25
6 – 9. sc around (25 st)
10. Sc 4x, bobble (6 st), sc around to end
11. sc around
12.dec, 3sc, repeat – 20
13. dec, 2sc, repeat – 15
14. dec, 1sc, repeat – 10` 15. dec around

Hair: With blue
Hair cap: ring sc 6
inc in each – 12
Inc, sc, repeat – 18
inc, sc, sc, repeat – 24
inc, 3 sc, repeat – 30
inc, 4, sc, repeat – 36
sc around
t.o. sew to head..

Body: With red
Starting with feet: (make 2)
1. sc 5 in magic ring
2. inc in each – 10
3. inc, 1 sc, repeat – 15
4. sc around 1x
5. dec, dec, dec, dec, sc around – 11
6. 1 sc, dec, sc in each – 10
7 – 15. sc around (if you want shorter or longer legs, add or subtract rows here)
T.O. first leg, seconmd one continue.
16. attach to first leg with sc – 20 sc (basically you sc around one and then jump to the other and sc around)
17 – 27. sc around
28. dec, sc in next 2, repeat – 15
29. dec, sc – 10
30. dec around – 5

arm: x2 (red)
1. 4sc in magic ring
2. 2 in first, sc – 6st
3. sc around
4. sc x2, bobble (5st), sc rest of way around – 6
5 – 12. sc around

Stuff all the pieces as you go.. Stitch to body so that the “Thumbs” of the arms point outwards and the “feet” face forward. I stitched on eyes for them, as my recipient has a little kid running around. You can also use safety eyes (if you are going to add safety eyes, do so before you finish the head and place them somewhere above the bobble stitch) and stitch on a smile with the embroidery thread.. When you stitch the head to the body, you can also shove a dowel rod (you can pick these up in the craft section of walmart) through the head and the body to give some support.

Happy crafting!


I shipped out my gifts on Saturday, and my swapner has her gift now. When I went to track it to see if it was making it’s way along nicely, I noticed an anomaly. See, I sent my box out on the 28th. Apparently this was a magical time traveling box, as it was out of this state and somewhere else on the 22nd. (My swapner got it and there was no hold up, just this random off-record.)

So, since that is done, I can now share with you what I was working on for her!
First, I made Thing 1 and Thing 2 (pattern later)

This was a finished/in-progress picture cause I went back and added in the white name tag with their name on it (using felt and a fabric marker.) But this was the crochet work done! For the nose and for the hand, I took a page out of the AmiguruMe and used a bobble stitch (really, it looks really cool, and I fell in love with that modification the secound I was making my person following her patterns) but beyond that, I didn’t follow any pattern or instruction for it.

Then I made a unicorn as stalking my swapner stated she liked unicorns:

Another pattern later: aren’t you proud of me! I’ve actually been writing down what I’ve been doing! well, give or take some making up later every once in a while.. or extra rows here or there..or not enough rows. I tend to forget things occasionally.. It’s like “did I mark this row? I think I did.. maybe I didn’t. Maybe I should make another little dash on my paper/file to indicate this row? Gah! Well, it’ll just have to do!)

then I made a bag (this is where sewing came it).
I do not seem to have an individual picture of this… ah well.

the finished gift:

So that’s it. I’m glad it came out well, I’m glad my swapner got it (right in time for her birthday too!) and that she stated she liked it.. Maybe next time I won’t sign up for a swap when I already am overloaded with stress. It made me even more anxious and worried. I spent hours fretting over “will she like this????”

Anyway, happy 4th of July for those of you who celebrate. If not, have a great week and a great weekend.