Challenge Week 2: Octopus, Gnome, & Groot! Oh My!

So here’s what I made this week:

This little cat and octopus.

MORE OCTOPI! and A gnome. and Groot..

The horde of octopi with their cat and gnome and Groot.

I also painted up more safety eyes.

So, that’s a total of 11 creatures!

Octopus pattern:
sc ring – 5
inc everywhere – 10
inc, sc – 15
inc, 2 sc – 20
inc, 3 sc – 25
sc around 2x.
dec, 3 sc – 20
dec, 2 sc – 15
dec, sc – 10
dec – 5 DO NOT TIE OFF
ch 7. Sc in the second ch from hook and continue along each ch (6 st). sl st to body. Repeat 7 times.
Tie off.

Thats what your octopus should look.

The bottom of your octopus should look something like this.. without you having to stitch on all those little legs!

Groot’s Pattern came from Twinkie Chan

I made the gnome by playing around with shapes.. no pattern as of yet.

I hope you all have fun making your own little octopi and that you had a great crafting week as well!